Monday, June 21, 2010

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Sorry, that saying has stuck in my head since I watched a recent gambling/card counting movie. Can't remember the name of the movie but sure can't stop say that phrase! :)

Okay, so I wrote everyone's name down that gave an idea and I numbered them. Then I put the numbers into one of those online number generators and clicked the button to reveal...

The Old Maid from The Sunny Hours 1:12 Miniatures is the winner!

Congratulations Ewa! You said "I would love to see the wand similar to the one Snape uses in the movies and a magical newspaper for him too." Now which movie are you thinking of for Snape's wand? I think some of the wands changed throughout the movies.

Everyone else: you ALL had great ideas, I will contact you in the near future if I also decide to make your idea item (some of them are so great that I just can't resist!). But I'm working on a very time consuming commission right now, so it will be a little while before I can get to that.

I have some great minis planned, just running super short on time... keep watching and I'll hopefully bring out some new and interesting minis soon!


  1. Congratulations to Ewa, Snapes will be so happy :D


  2. Well done Ewa!!! YAY! :o))

    It was a great and different competition Lorraine!

    Michelle xx

  3. Oooh well done Ewa lucky you. im so looking forward to seeing what Lorraine makes for you and all her new ideas too. Isnt it a shame real life takes over so much and stops us from getting on with our minis like we want to! Kate xxx

  4. Me??????? I was certain it won't be me! You guys have so wonderful ideas and mine was so modest ;)Thank you very much Lorraine!I will contact you by email with the idea:)
    And thank you so much, Ladies!
    I am looking forward to see your new ideas too!!:)

  5. Thanks for playing everyone! I really am going to try and make some of the other ideas and send them out, they were all so great!

    Kate, I feel like time is literally stolen from me! I'm working on some charms because I needed the money but it's not what I would have chosen to be doing and it's just sucking time away from what I would rather be doing.

    Oooo and look, more followers!!!

  6. Well done, Ewa!!
    What a great idea for a giveaway, Lorraine - and you get ideas about what people want! Brilliant!!
