Friday, May 7, 2010

Altar Table... Work in Progress

Well I keep saying I'm working items for some altar tables, but where's the proof? Here it is...

These are some papers and scrolls I've made. I still have to add some wax seals and ties to the scrolls. I absolutely love paper stacks! If you want some good tips on how to age paper and make stuff like this, go to

Here are some offering bowls, a couple of crystal ball stands, a bell, and a scale. I love making things look gold!

Here we have a trinket box with a pentacle embellishment on top, a ouija board (this one came out too dark for my liking), two wands, and some crystals. I didn't make the crystals :)

And then here is my army of candles. I know I don't need this many, but I couldn't help making them all. XD

And finally, some potion bottles and container. I still have many more styles to make. I haven't painted these yet and I still want to add labels. The corks are removable, but there so tiny I don't know if they ought to be! :)

I still have more things on my list to make, I'm sure this is too much for a table and I'll have to build some sort of cabinet or shelves for some of it, but it's so fun to make!


  1. Que gran produccion y que genial toda!!!
    Los portavelas los has hecho tu? con sculpey?
    Y los botes conque los has hecho? me encantan.
    Yo estoy haciendo ahora una escena de brujas, bueno primero tengo que terminar mi jardin ejejeje
    besitos ascension

  2. Si, las portavelas son de sculpey (menos la mecha, eso es de hilo). Los tuve que hacer/cocer en dos partes. Y se cailleron muchas veces! Los botes tambien son de sculpey, esos si me salieron bien verdad! No se que color pintar los, que crees?

  3. Have just discovered your blog from the question and answer site. Love your work.

  4. Thanks Janice, welcome! I'll go check out your blog.

  5. Lorraine - found you on Nikki's 'Question and Answer' - so glad I did!! Love your minis! Especially the curly wand.

  6. Thanks Glenda, I just barely took a shot at making them. I want to make more and put some embellishments in them, make them look fancy!
