Monday, May 31, 2010

Magic Spell Candles now available at Etsy!

I wanted to make some candles for Etsy like the ones I made for the Altar Table, I was thinking black ones and white ones...

Janice from "On Being a Mini Mum......" suggested I make more colors, spooky colors. So I did! Thanks Janice! Email me your address and your favorite color and I send you some :).

There are 9 different colors in total, a couple of assortments, and some of those candles in the candle holders that I made a few posts ago.

I think I'll get going on making some wands now. Mind you they are really hard to make the way I tried, but we shall see how they turn out.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wiccan Altar Table

Completely finished and ready for Etsy... finally!

I think the addition of the shelf and stool really completes the scene.

I didn't have room on the table for all the scrolls so they ended up in the cauldron, almost like they were always meant for it!

The basket is not made by me it's one of the few things in this scene that isn't. The others are the 2 glass balls as the crystal balls and the 3 amethyst crystals. Everything else is made by me from polymer clay, wood, or paper. Lots of paint too!

These potion bottles are my favorites! My husband really wants me to keep the one with the twine and skull embellishment. I'll have to try and make him another :).

62 pieces in all, 65 if you count the table, shelf, and stool. If you've visited my Etsy shop, you'll know that I believe in affordable miniatures. I strive to make quality minis that everyone can afford. That being said, the total cost of this setup kind of shocked me. I priced everything individually, very low prices like I would if I was selling everything separately. Only 5 items were barely over $5.00 and nothing was over $10.00 (including the furniture). Because the total seemed like such a large number, I will be posting this with free shipping. I'm in the US and I ship worldwide. Insurance is not included but it is optional.

My husband says I need to make some of this stuff to sell individually too, I already decided on making lots more of the wrapped and labeled candles (black and white), what kinds of things do you guys think I should make more of from this set?

My magical minis need more space!!!

You guessed it, there wasn't enough room on the table for all the minis I made. I decided to add a shelf (most likely for the potions) and a stool. Nothing special, just more space :).
I'll be posting the final pictures just a little later and I'll be posting on Etsy tonight too.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The table is built! Now comes the fun part...

Much faster than I thought possible, I finished building the table that will hold all the goodies. I meant it to be a very old, worn, and well used table. How do you think I did? I'm not very good with wood but I figured I couldn't go wrong with the rustic, beat-up look. Nicked, scratched, chipped, I think it will suit the job well!
Now I get to arrange all the stuff on top and around it, let's hope I don't decide that it needs more!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Where is the Altar Table?

Okay, okay... so I haven't finished the altar table yet. But I did finally finish everything that will go on and around it. Click on the picture to get in close enough to see everything. I have more details below, oh and this is quite a long post with lots of pictures, sorry.

I made a book of shadows today with a pentagram on the cover and gilded edge pages (the book doesn't open, it's all polymer clay). I knew I wanted a pentagram on the book, but I didn't know how I was going to do it. I didn't want to just draw it on, I wanted some texture to it. I searched the Internet and decided to buy some pentagram charms that seemed the right size... they just came in the post today... after I finished the book, just my luck, and patience. I also researched embossing and bought supplies so that I could draw the pentagram with an embossing pen and then emboss it to get that raised effect, didn't end up doing that method either. I ended up making a reversed stamp out of clay (took many, many tries). I used my needle tool to draw the pentagram in the uncured clay, baked it, dusted it with tons of powder, stamped it onto a rectangle of uncured clay, shaped the rectangle around the already baked "page block", added the spine details, baked it, painted it, and voila! What do you think?
I ended up using the embossing technique (needs more practice) on the pentacle altar tile. My painting skills are atrocious so don't look too close :)

I finished painting the rest of the potion bottles (and found one buried in my carpet!) and I gave them all labels. I repainted the Ouija board too, it was too dark before. You can't see it too well in this picture, but I also made a bell. Don't lift it though, it doesn't look like a bell underneath :).

I added ties and wax seals to all the scrolls. Some I tied with twine, some with ribbon, one with leather.

These are my absolute favorite! I made two types of candles. Some fat pillar candles with talisman/amulet images tied to them (for protective spells). And then some skinny black candles with labels. Aren't they great! I'm going to make a bunch of these and post them on Etsy by the end of this week.

Now come the herbs and flowers. I made my lavender a bit different this time, more detail. I like this way much better, although it does take a really long time! I filled one of the offering bowls with dried herbs too.

I made a sage smudge stick, great for purifying. I wrapped it with some lovely purple embroidering thread and placed it in the other offering bowl.

Here is a close up of some of the flowers, I don't know what they are, I just picked some pretty pictures and made them. I changed some colors too.

Here are the dried (drying) roses. I wanted them to hang so I had to make this primitive hanging rod. It came out kind of lumpy because I had to try and hide the wire armature. I was very impatient at this point.

Here is a close up of the roses. I didn't want them too dark, and I nicked and wrinkled them quite a bit to try and get the right look.

Well that's it. What do you think? Now I have to make the table. I'm awfully tempted to buy one, but I promised myself I would make as much of this myself as I could. Besides, I want a certain rustic and hand carved look. Wish me luck though, I'm terrible with wood!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ritual Items for the Altar Tables

I finished these days and days ago but got side tracked in the weed jungle that is my flower beds. And I needed some separation from these items... that athame was a real piece of work, let me tell you! I was swearing up a storm that day! 

It doesn't look like much in the picture but the hilt of the athame has a distressed metal look to it (the picture is too dark I think). The athame measures just under 1 1/2 inches from hilt to tip. I wanted to put a gem or something in the hilt, but I didn't have anything on hand that was the right size. You can't really see the mortar and pestle too well in the photo, sorry about that. It's just a simple one anyway. The other curved knife is a boline, it's for harvesting herbs. The skull is just a regular skull missing it's jaw (and a few teeth), it's aged and has symbols painted on it. The whole thing reminds me of some kind of alchemists collection.

Next on the list for the altar tables is herbs, dried flowers (don't know how I'm going to do that yet, I usually make them looking vibrant and living), and the book of shadows. I want to make the book cover leather, but I only have thick leather that I got at a discount fabric store. I've made some books with it, but I don't like it for this collection. Does anyone know how to thin leather without really special leatherworking tools?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

More Potion Bottles...

I have finally finished the rest of the potion bottles for the altar table display. You can't tell from the picture but they are very tiny. I also tried to make a chalice/goblet, but it turned out more like a champagne glass. I'll have to give that one another go.

I'm working on a skull (my favorites to sculpt), and then I'll move on to athames and bolines... that is as long as I don't distract myself with something trivial!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Altar Table... Work in Progress

Well I keep saying I'm working items for some altar tables, but where's the proof? Here it is...

These are some papers and scrolls I've made. I still have to add some wax seals and ties to the scrolls. I absolutely love paper stacks! If you want some good tips on how to age paper and make stuff like this, go to

Here are some offering bowls, a couple of crystal ball stands, a bell, and a scale. I love making things look gold!

Here we have a trinket box with a pentacle embellishment on top, a ouija board (this one came out too dark for my liking), two wands, and some crystals. I didn't make the crystals :)

And then here is my army of candles. I know I don't need this many, but I couldn't help making them all. XD

And finally, some potion bottles and container. I still have many more styles to make. I haven't painted these yet and I still want to add labels. The corks are removable, but there so tiny I don't know if they ought to be! :)

I still have more things on my list to make, I'm sure this is too much for a table and I'll have to build some sort of cabinet or shelves for some of it, but it's so fun to make!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

What's New?

I'm working on stuff for some wiccan altar tables, but I'm going kind of slow. I'll post some pictures tomorrow. I did however just list some food on Etsy that I had laying around for about a year. Some sandwiches and veggies mostly.