Sunday, April 25, 2010

Check out these amazing blogs!

I have had serious writer's block... or whatever it's called for miniature artists :). Anyway, I needed a break so I've been surfing the net, reading blogs and looking at pictures for the last few days.

I ran across this really great blog not too long ago and this was the perfect time to really sink my teeth into it, actually I read the whole thing from it's beginning... a bit obsessive, I know. It's just that it's so full of great little creations and tidbits of information! I know most of my few followers (thanks for following!!!) probably already know about it, but I highly recommend 'Witch and Wizard Minitures by Nikki Rowe'. She is really amazing at this stuff!

Now I just have to hop over to one of her good friends blogs (Tiny Treasures) to see what that's all about :). I think Debbie was my first follower, thank you Debbie! Thanks a lot! I like the potion bottles, they are very whimsical!

Nikki started a new blog today for mini artists to get together and ask and answer questions. I think it's the greatest, these people make such lovely miniatures that gleaming any knowledge from them is a priviledge! Its called Miniature Question and Answer.

Well I think I've got my mojo back now, I'm working on a small cabinet for some witchy supplies and some altar tables. I'll post pics soon.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the lovely write up Lorraine. I'm just playing catch up with all I've missed..xx
