I have had serious writer's block... or whatever it's called for miniature artists :). Anyway, I needed a break so I've been surfing the net, reading blogs and looking at pictures for the last few days.
I ran across this really great blog not too long ago and this was the perfect time to really sink my teeth into it, actually I read the whole thing from it's beginning... a bit obsessive, I know. It's just that it's so full of great little creations and tidbits of information! I know most of my few followers (thanks for following!!!) probably already know about it, but I highly recommend 'Witch and Wizard Minitures by Nikki Rowe'. She is really amazing at this stuff!
Now I just have to hop over to one of her good friends blogs (Tiny Treasures) to see what that's all about :). I think Debbie was my first follower, thank you Debbie! Thanks a lot! I like the potion bottles, they are very whimsical!
Nikki started a new blog today for mini artists to get together and ask and answer questions. I think it's the greatest, these people make such lovely miniatures that gleaming any knowledge from them is a priviledge! Its called Miniature Question and Answer.
Well I think I've got my mojo back now, I'm working on a small cabinet for some witchy supplies and some altar tables. I'll post pics soon.
Thank you for the lovely write up Lorraine. I'm just playing catch up with all I've missed..xx